
Would a GTX460 SE 1 GB work on my pc?

i have a about $220 to spend on a new psu and graphics card. i found my self a pretty good Psu that's around $55 CORSAIR Builder Series and then i started searching for a cheap gtx460.. the best thing i found was a GTX460 SE 1 GB. the thing i want to know is will the gtx460 work on my computer?

Computer specs

HP Pavilion p6310y

Processor AMD Athlon II X4 630 / 2.8 GHz

RAM Installed Size 6 GB

This is a link to the gtx460 http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-PCI-Express-Graphics-01G-P3-1366-TR/dp/B004DKWLB4/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1298040075&sr=1-1|||is this this your computer?


be sure to measure your case. the 460 is a double wide card, so it looks like it will hit the ram clips, plus you need a empty slot below the pci-e x16 (since its a dual card) which it doesnt look like you have. i dont think it will fit the case|||The GPU will work if you have a good PSU :)

Try getting a psu with 500+ watts. You will not have a problem once you get a psu that powers the gpu effectively

