
GTX460 768mb SLI or GTX480 1.5GB?

I have a GTX460 768mb and am looking at either buying a GTX 480 (currently on offer for £200) or buy a second GTX460 for £125. I could trade the GTX460 in for £74 and get games I was going to buy anyway so price is negligibly equal.

Before quoting synthetic benchmarks I will say my single GTX 460 runs my games at above 60fps at max (except AF) at 1920x1080 on my monitor (its max). The problem is the 768mb and Asiotrophic Filtering, going above 2 kills my fps in several games and I have never used SLI before.

Will 2 GTX460 in SLI help with this (having 2 sets of 768mb GDDR5 RAM) or not? Should I get the GTX 480 it such a case? the GPU speeds are unimportant to me at this point.|||SLIing wont perform as well as the single 480, but if you already have the 460, id say youd get more bang for the buck if you SLI.|||Skip both and get the GTX570

It runs much cooler then the GTX480 and it's clocked higher and it's cost less

Hate when dumbasses come on here answering questions and not know what they're talking about

SLI scales nearly 100% and SLI TX 460 1GB (even the 768mb in SLI out performs the GTX 480) performs much better then 1 GTX 480


http://www.guru3d.com/article/geforce-gt…|||You have to know first whether your motherboard supports SLI you also have to have a compatible SLI power supply and you have to have an SLI bridge to connect the two, if you have all of that I would just buy another GTX 460

IF YOU DONT MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS GET A 480|||The single GTX480 is much, much more superior to the 460's in SLI.

The scaling for SLI isn't very good, so your performance will only increase a little bit (probably negligible.)

You're going to be better off with the GTX480

