
Is it ok to run a gtx460 with a 240wat power supply?

Its on and running.. I understand i won't get top performance but thats fine with me until I get my 700watt a 4pin connector for my motherboard. should i worry about loss of life span?|||It's very dangerous. At best, your computer may refuse to boot with the VGA card. At worst, your PSU can short-circuit and fry all your computer. I suggest you change your power unit ASAP|||no|||No, it isn't, the video card will try to draw more power than the PSU can supply, which can damaged the motherboard and/or the video card.

"Minimum System Requirements

* PCI Express or PCI Express 2.0-compliant motherboard with one dual-width x16 graphics slot

* Two 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connectors

* Minimum 450W or greater system power supply (with a minimum 12V current rating of 38A)****

* Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon XP class processor or higher

* 200MB of available hard disk space

* 2GB system memory (4GB recommended)

* Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 Operating System (32-bit or 64-bit)

* DVD-ROM drive

"|||Do not do it. Almost any kind of stress you put on it will probably kill your computer, as in every part won't work.|||HAAHAHA, oooh ahhh ahahaha.... ahhhh hahaha ooooooooooooooooooooohhahahaAHAHhahahooo… you so silly that would not possibly work

